Romarin Demetri, Author of the Frost Bloom Garden, a Paranormal Romance
Welcome to the Why You Will Love My Book Tour and Happy Valentine's Week! Because we all love
romantic books, movies, and cute cards with puppies on them, myself and a number of Romance, Paranormal Romance, or Erotic Romance/Erotica authors decided to get together and show off our favorite book or new release. We promise to keep things short and sweet! Enjoy!
Author Name: Romarin Demetri

Book Title: The Frost Bloom Garden (Book 2)
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Quick Synopsis: My book is an urban fantasy set in London, with plenty of danger, a St. Paddy’s day subplot, and romance.
A little more about The Frost Bloom Garden: “You tend to be a little reckless when it comes to boys,” she said lightly. “And I don’t mean anything cruel by that.”Offense taken. “Maybe I am,” I said like sugar, “but I don’t think he really minds.” – The Frost Bloom Garden.
The Frost Bloom garden is a recipient of the Readers’ Favorite 5 star review seal, and it ups the action and romance in the series as the sequel to “A Mirror Among Shattered Glass”. Now that Romarin is settled into London (and trying to heal a broken heart) she finds herself tracking down a serial killer and falling in love, but who would have thought both would be equally dangerous?
Purchase The Frost Bloom Garden (Book 2):
What makes your book different from others in your genre? While I do love the conventions of Romance, Romarin’s story follows the story arc of love in real life. The tough truth is that you have to get your heart broken to truly know the meaning of love. The progression of Romarin’s relationships are real life. Romarin (in book one, “A Mirror Among Shattered Glass”) is after a family secret that is life or death, and when she lands in London to be invited to live in a castle, the first friendships she cultivates are (great-looking) guys with guarded secrets and supernatural powers. They’re not going to take too kindly to a stranger, and are more or less intimidated by Romarin’s sudden intrusion into their lives. A book full of misfits had to imitate real life as closely as possible, but I really make the heartbreak up to you when forbidden love comes into play in book two, because it’s the best kind. Romarin isn’t the type of character to sit back and salivate over love at first sight. She’s going to fight for all of the imperfections and things she absolutely loves about someone—her platonic friends included.
Why should readers buy your book? My book is urban/dark fantasy and paranormal romance, but apart from the sarcasm and infectiously dreary setting of London, the message it sends is positive. It’s really about choosing your own destiny, and The Frost Bloom Garden drives that point forward. Even though Romarin is impulsive and a little reckless at nineteen, she wants to understand people who are different than here and sets a good example when it comes to choosing her own path, despite being a descendant of Countess Bathory. It’s a book series that you can escape reality from with characters who are your friends. You should buy the book because you have new friends waiting to meet you inside of it!
What is the one thing you wish you knew about being a writer before you started your book?
I wish I knew a little more about luck! Being in the right place and the right time is something that takes practice. Great reviews and having two formats like ebooks and print help, but finding the audience that is going to love your books as much as you do takes patience. I’m trying to find my niche so I can share my book with as many people as possible.
Where do you draw your inspiration from to write your books?
The places and settings I enjoy or learn from always influence my books, and I use psychology to make my characters are complex and vivid. In Urban Fantasy, the setting is like a character, so visiting London has helped me shape the series.
What would you like to say to your readers?
My readers are amazing people, and connecting with them on Facebook has been really cool! I get to know more about them and how unique they are. Thank you, readers!
Here are some Fun Facts about Romarin:

-I studied English and Psychology in college.
- Blue is my favorite color, but I also like black, pink, and purple.
- One of my favorite places in any hotel lobby is New York City at breakfast, because hearing all of the languages spoken and seeing different people remind me of how diverse and beautiful the world is.
-The closest fictional character to me is Krystal Goderich from Orphan Black. She’s a cosmetologist who trains in self-defense and is concerned about horrible chemicals in cosmetics.
-I am a musician, and my cover reveal coming March 1st highlights that. Make sure you follow me if you don’t want to miss it.
Interested in Romarin's other works? Please show her some love!
“A Mirror Among Shattered Glass”- The Supernatural London Underground
“The Frost Bloom Garden” - The Supernatural London Underground
“Wanions of the Wicked” (April 20th, 2017) - The Supernatural London Underground
“Mirror” is primarily dark/urban fantasy (though it is a “kissing book”). All subsequent books are strongly in the paranormal romance category.
Purchase A Mirror Among Shattered Glass (Book 1):
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